UN layout formatting specification for UBL Order Cancellation instances

$Date: 2004/09/05 15:15:15 $(UTC)

Table of Contents

1. Order cancellation formatting specification
1.1. Status
1.2. Example rendering
1.3. Layout order and information
1.4. Namespaces
2. Miscellaneous information
2.1. Document header information
3. Party information
3.1. Seller
3.2. Cancellation number
3.3. Date
3.4. Purchase order date
3.5. Buyer's reference
3.6. Seller's reference
3.7. Consignee
3.8. Buyer
3.9. Cancellation reason
3.10. Response
3.11. Cancellation notes
3.12. Country of origin
3.13. Country of destination
4. Delivery and transport
4.1. Mode of transport
4.2. Date of despatch
4.3. Means of transport
4.4. Place of despatch
4.5. Vessel/flight no.
4.6. Port of loading
4.7. Port of discharge
4.8. Place of delivery
4.9. Terms of delivery
4.10. Location
4.11. Special terms
4.12. Terms of payment
4.13. Currency of payment
5. Consignment information
5.1. Shipping marks; container number
5.2. No. and kind of packages; description of goods
5.3. Total gross weight (kg)
5.4. Total cube (m3)
5.5. Total net weight (kg)
6. Line item information
6.1. Item / References
6.2. Description
6.3. Country of origin
6.4. Commodity code
6.5. Quantity
6.6. Unit price
7. Summary information
7.1. Name of contact and telephone number
7.2. Place and date of issue
7.3. Signature

1.  Order cancellation formatting specification

This formatting specification describes a rendering of the UBL Order Cancellation document model according to a subset of the United Nations Layout Key for Trade Documents guidelines for application for the 320 Acknowledgement of Order form:

  • 320 Acknowledgement of Order: Document acknowledging an undertaking to fulfill an order and confirming conditions or acceptance of conditions.

For a list of all formatting specifications and an overview of the documentation conventions, please visit the formatting specification home page.

1.1.  Status

This specification has no formal status at this time. It should not be considered a reference interpretation of UBL documents. Feedback is sought from users of stylesheets that implement this formatting specification regarding suggestions for change for consideration by the OASIS UBL committees for incorporation into these formatting specifications.

Presentational semantics may never be formalized or normative in the UBL project due to differing international requirements and conventions for the presentation of information found in business documents. This document contains only examples from a few of what will probably be many available UBL stylesheet libraries.

1.2.  Example rendering

The following is an example rendering that illustrates the position and decoration of the information items found in an instance of the document type:

1.3.  Layout order and information

Items in this formatting specification are ordered roughly from the laid out fields on the form in the order left-to-right, top to bottom.

Important: the rendering of a number of fields is very simplified, reflecting a Western European interpretation of a subset of fields (as in names and addresses). User requirements need to be better understood for the level of granularity in these formatting specifications.

1.4.  Namespaces

The following namespaces are mapped to the prefixes in the expressions below:

  • xmlns:xo="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:OrderCancellation-1.0"

  • xmlns:cac="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-1.0"

  • xmlns:cbc="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-1.0"

2.  Miscellaneous information

The following information is unrelated to the visible fields of the form.

2.1.  Document header information

Table 1. XPath information

XPath addresses

This information shows up in the window-title bar of the HTML browser, and in the document title supported by some XSL-FO processors.

3. Party information

Header information is associated with the form as a whole, not to the individual items of goods.

3.1. Seller

Table 2. XPath information

XPath addresses

This field is intended to show the name and address of the buyer of goods or the originator of the documents, as the case may be.

3.2. Cancellation number

Table 3. XPath information

XPath address

This number is a unique number assigned to the order cancellation by the buyer.

3.3. Date

Table 4. XPath information

XPath address

This field states the date of the order cancellation.

3.4. Purchase order date

Table 5. XPath information

XPath address

This fields provides the issue date of the original order

3.5. Buyer's reference

Table 6. XPath information

XPath address

This field provides the buyer's reference to the original order.

3.6. Seller's reference

Table 7. XPath information

XPath address

This field provides a seller assigned reference to the order corresponding to this order cancellation.

3.7. Consignee

At this time this field is not being used in the order cancellation.

3.8. Buyer

Table 8. XPath information

XPath addresses

These fields are used to provide the name and address of the buyer of the goods involved in the transaction.

3.9. Cancellation reason

Table 9. XPath information

XPath address

This free format text field is used to provide the reason for the cancellation of the referenced order.

3.10. Response

Table 10. XPath information

XPath address

This field indicates if the sender of the cancellation requires a response to this message, if the indicator returns true then 'Response Required' would be printed in this form field, if the indicator returns false then 'No Response Required' would be printed.

3.11. Cancellation notes

Table 11. XPath information

XPath address

This free format text field is used to provide any other information that may be relevant to the cancellation.

3.12. Country of origin

At this time this field is not being used in the order cancellation.

3.13. Country of destination

At this time this field is not being used in the order cancellation.

4. Delivery and transport

Transportation fields are header-like and applicable to the entire order cancellation.

4.1. Mode of transport

At this time this field is not being used in the order cancellation.

4.2. Date of despatch

At this time this field is not being used in the order cancellation.

4.3. Means of transport

At this time this field is not being used in the order cancellation.

4.4. Place of despatch

At this time this field is not being used in the order cancellation.

4.5. Vessel/flight no.

At this time this field is not being used in the order cancellation.

4.6. Port of loading

At this time this field is not being used in the order cancellation.

4.7. Port of discharge

At this time this field is not being used in the order cancellation.

4.8. Place of delivery

At this time this field is not being used in the order cancellation.

4.9. Terms of delivery

At this time this field is not being used in the order cancellation.

4.10. Location

At this time this field is not being used in the order cancellation.

4.11. Special terms

At this time this field is not being used in the order cancellation.

4.12. Terms of payment

At this time this field is not being used in the order cancellation.

4.13. Currency of payment

At this time this field is not being used in the order cancellation.

5. Consignment information

The consignment information holds generic details and totals relating to all the goods items in the order cancellation.

5.1. Shipping marks; container number

At this time this field is not being used in the order cancellation.

5.2. No. and kind of packages; description of goods

At this time this field is not being used in the order cancellation.

5.3. Total gross weight (kg)

At this time this field is not being used in the order cancellation.

5.4. Total cube (m3)

At this time this field is not being used in the order cancellation.

5.5. Total net weight (kg)

At this time this field is not being used in the order cancellation.

6. Line item information

Line item information is associated with the individual item of goods in the order cancellation.

6.1. Item / References

At this time this field is not being used in the order cancellation.

6.2. Description

At this time this field is not being used in the order cancellation.

6.3. Country of origin

At this time this field is not being used in the order cancellation.

6.4. Commodity code

At this time this field is not being used in the order cancellation.

6.5. Quantity

At this time this field is not being used in the order cancellation.

6.6. Unit price

At this time this field is not being used in the order cancellation.

7. Summary information

Summary information is associated to the entire order cancellation.

7.1. Name of contact and telephone number

Table 12. XPath information

XPath addresses

These fields provides the contact name and telephone number for this order cancellation.

7.2. Place and date of issue

Table 13. XPath information

XPath addresses

The above fields provide information relating to the date and place of issue of the order cancellation.

7.3. Signature

This field is not currently being filled automatically as it is a manual entry.